the Legacy continues…………………….
Gregory R. Mann, Ph.D. {ret.}

Archive for the ELASMOBRANCHS Category

Whale Shark

Whale Shark
"Rhincodon typus" Whale Sharks are the biggest shark as well as the biggest fish in the ocean. They are not a whale nor are they dangerous to humans. They have a distinctively wide mouth at the very front of their head rather than on the underside like mostRead more

Tiger Shark

Tiger Shark
"Galeocerdo cuvier" Tiger Sharks are one of the largest sharks in the world. Adults commonly reach lengths of 3.3-4.3 meters and weigh between 385-635 kilograms. Length at birth varies from 51-76 centimeters. Males reach sexual maturity at 2.3-2.9 meters, while females mature at 2.5-3.5 meters. The largest adult Tiger Sharks are believed toRead more

Silvertip Shark

Silvertip Shark
"Carcharhinus albimarginatus" Silvertip Sharks are large slender sharks with long and broadly rounded snouts that resemble Gray Reef Sharks but can easily be distinguished by the prominent white margins on their fins. Their eyes are large & round and they have an angular first dorsal fin and pectoral fins,Read more

Thresher Shark

Thresher Shark
"Alopias vulpinus" Thresher Sharks are easily recognizable because of their long caudal (tail) fins which equals about half the total length of their body. This shark also has a very characteristic dorsal & pelvic fins. These sharks' teeth are small, curved, smooth and razor-sharp. Their teeth are similarlyRead more

Spinner Shark

Spinner Shark
"Carcharhinus brevipinna" Spinner Sharks are so named for their unique hunting technique. They swim very fast after their prey, spinning as they do so and regularly leaping from the water. Their spinning leaps occur after shooting after prey, snapping & spinning as they go. Spinner Sharks have aRead more

Sand-Tiger Shark

Sand-Tiger Shark
"Carcharias taurus" Sand-Tiger Sharks are also known as Ragged-tooth Sharks. These large impressive sharks have short, pointed snouts, small eyes, protruding spike-like teeth and small, equally-sized dorsal and anal fins with the first dorsal fin closer to the pelvic than to the pectoral fins. The caudal fin (tail fin)Read more

Silky Shark

Silky Shark
"Carcharhinus falciformis" Silky Sharks measure up to 3.5 meters in length with a maximum published weight of 346 kilograms. This species has a lifespan of about 23 years. Silkies are large but slender sharks with long, flat snouts, large eyes and small serrated teeth. Their second dorsal fin is lowRead more

Shortfin Mako Shark

Shortfin Mako Shark
"Isurus oxyrinchus" Shortfin Mako Sharks are truly beautiful animals. The word "Mako" comes from the Māori language meaning either the shark or a shark tooth. It originated in a dialectal variation as it is similar to the common words for shark in a number of Polynesian languages - "makō" inRead more

Scalloped Hammerhead Shark

Scalloped Hammerhead Shark
"Sphyrna lewini" Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks are large sharks with moderately high first dorsal fins and low second dorsal and pelvic fins. They can be distinguished by the broadly arched front margin of their head that has a prominent median notch. The side "wings" of their heads are narrow withRead more

Salmon Shark

Salmon Shark
"Lamna ditropis" Salmon Sharks are closely related to Porbeagle Sharks. Salmon Sharks measure up to 3.7 meters in length and weigh a maximum of 454 kilograms. They have heavy spindle-shaped bodies with short, blunt, conical snouts and large gill slits relative to their body size. Their first dorsal fin isRead more
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