the Legacy continues…………………….
Gregory R. Mann, Ph.D. {ret.}

Archive for the MARINELIFE Category

Sea Cucumber

Sea Cucumber
"Parastichopus californicus” Sea Cucumbers belong to the group of animals called echinoderms. Their closest relatives are Sea Stars & Sea Urchins. There are over 1,250 species of Sea Cucumbers that can be found in oceans throughout the world. Sea Cucumbers usually live on the sea floor withRead more

Sea Anemone

Sea Anemone
"Entacmaea quadricolor” Sea Anemones are beautiful marine animals with wavy tentacles and resemble underwater flowers. They are named for the Anemone, a terrestrial flower. They are usually brightly colored adopting shades of white, green, blue, orange, red or mauve often contributing to the spectacular walls of invertebrates populatingRead more

Sea Urchin

Sea Urchin
"Echinometra viridis” You could call Sea Urchins the “Porcupines of the Sea”. Like a Porcupine's quills, Sea Urchins count on their long spines to deter hungry predators from making them a snack. In fact, the Sea Urchin gets its name from an Old English word "heyghoge" forRead more

Belcher’s Sea Snake

Belcher’s Sea Snake
"Hydrophis Belcheri” The Belcher Sea Snake also known as the Faint-banded Sea Snake, is considered the most poisonous of all the snakes in the world and by some considered to be the most toxic animal in the world. The Belcher Sea Snake was named after being discoveredRead more

Beaked Sea Snake

Beaked Sea Snake
"Enhydrina schistosa” The Beaked Sea Snake is also known as Hook-nosed & Valakadyn Sea Snake. It is considered as one of the most venomous marine in the world. Their venom is extremely strong and can cause death to human. Beaked Sea Snakes live in shallow waters withRead more

Yellow-bellied Sea Snake

Yellow-bellied Sea Snake
"Pelamis platura” The Yellow-bellied Sea Snake has the distinction of being the most widely ranging snake in the world as well as the most aquatic, never having to set scale on land or sea floor its entire pelagic life. The Yellow-bellied Sea Snake is a moderately-built snake with anRead more

American Crocodile

American Crocodile
"Crocodylus acutus” American Crocodiles are a shy and reclusive species. They live in coastal areas throughout the Caribbean and occur at the northern end of their range in south Florida. They live in brackish or saltwater areas and can be found in ponds, coves & creeks in mangroveRead more


"Ornithorhynchus anatinus” The Platypus is one of the most unlikely animals found in nature. In fact, the first scientist to see a Platypus thought it was a hoax. The Platypus is an unusual collection of familiar features from other animals. Any list of facts about the PlatypusRead more

Giant Clam

Giant Clam
"Tridacna gigas” The Giant Clam is the largest immobile mollusk in the world, with the occasional Giant Clam individual reaching nearly 6 feet in length although the average is 4 feet (1.2 meters) in length and up to 500 pounds (227 kilograms) in weight. The origin ofRead more

Mata Mata Turtle

Mata Mata Turtle
"Chelus fimbriata” Mata Mata Turtles are freakishly weird and have been referred to as “one of the strangest creatures on earth”. The turtle was first classified as Testudo fimbriata by German naturalist Johann Gottlob Schneider in 1783. The Spanish meaning for matamata is “it kills, it kills”. ItRead more
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