the Legacy continues…………………….
Gregory R. Mann, Ph.D. {ret.}

Archive for the MARINELIFE Category

Blue Crab

Blue Crab
"Callinectes sapidus" Although they are called Blue Crabs, these crustaceans may vary in color from blue to olive-green. The Blue Crab is a swimming crustacean with bright blue claws and an olive-green shell. It is one of the most recognizable species in the Chesapeake Bay. Blue Crabs are immigrantsRead more

Black-banded Sea Krait

Black-banded Sea Krait
"Laticauda semifasciata" The Black-banded Sea Krait is a highly venomous reptile and is also known as the Chinese Sea Krait . As a sea snake, Black-banded Sea Kraits are a unique reptile. They are amphibious therefore, they are able to live on land or in the ocean. Their compressed tail helps them to moveRead more

Black Caiman

Black Caiman
"Melanosuchus niger" Black Caiman typically hunt at night, using their acute sight and hearing to locate their prey. Fish comprises the major part of the Black Caiman's diet particularly catfish and the much-feared piranha, but adult Black Caiman also tackle much larger prey such as capybara, turtles and deer.Read more

Humboldt Squid

Humboldt Squid
"Dosidicus gigas" The Humboldt Squid also referred to as the "Jumbo Squid", is one you do want to recognize. They are not as long as you would think with a name like that though. They only get to be about 7 feet long and weigh up to 100 pounds.Read more

Colossal Squid

Colossal Squid
"Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni" The Colossal Squid is one of the largest, most elusive and mysterious of the cephalopods. These massive squid are reported to measure up to 14 meters in total length, with mantle lengths of about 2-4 meters which would make adult Colossal Squid quite a bit larger than Giant Squid and they canRead more

Giant Squid

Giant Squid
"Architeuthis dux" The Giant Squid is the largest of all known squid species and the largest invertebrate on the planet. It is believed that it inhabits all oceans of the world. So far, it has been discovered in the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans, Gulf of Mexico, SeaRead more

Polar Bear

Polar Bear
"Ursus maritimus" The Polar Bear is the largest species of 8 species of bears that exist on the planet today. The Polar Bear's closest relative is the Brown Bear. While there are no recognized subspecies of Polar Bears, there are 19 sub-populations. Polar Bears evolved from eastern Russian GrizzlyRead more
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